100/9 written as a mixed number is 11 and 1/9
It is 9 and 1/11
To convert 5.09 into a mixed number, first identify the whole number part, which is 5. The decimal part, 0.09, can be written as a fraction by placing it over 100 since there are two decimal places. This gives us 9/100. Therefore, 5.09 as a mixed number is 5 9/100.
56 over 9 as a mixed number is 62/9
110 over 9 as a mixed number = 122/9
9 over 7 in a mixed number = 12/7
The mixed number of 21 over 9 is 21/3
77 over 9 converted into a mixed number is 85/9
9.03 as a mixed number = 9 3/100
It is: 3 and 9/100 as a mixed number
To express 9.95 as a mixed number, we first need to separate the whole number and the decimal part. The whole number is 9, and the decimal part is 0.95. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we place 95 over 100 (since there are two decimal places) to get 95/100. Therefore, 9.95 as a mixed number is 9 95/100.
There is no need to notate 9/9 as a mixed number, as it is equal to 1.