the zero property in math is when you multiply by zero which is the multiplicative property of zero or it is when you add zero to anything and get zero that is called the additive property of zero
When any number is multiplied by it, the answer is always zero.
a * 0=0
9x0=0 im in 4th grade, ya know
The multiplicative inverse property is a property such that: a(1/a) = 1 where a is nonzero value. If a is a nonzero value, then the multiplicative inverse of a is 1/a.
For any number a (not zero) there exists a number 1/a such that a x (1/a) = 1
For every real number, x, which is not zero, there exists a real number x' such that x * x' = x' * x = 1, the multiplicative identity.
There is no such thing.However, the multiplicative inverse of any non zero number, x, is (1/x).The multiplicative inverse has the property that x*(1/x) = 1 = (1/x)*x.
It's the multiplicative property.(My teacher hates the word multiplicative.)
You probably could figure this one out: it's ZERO.
I'm pretty sure that's the multiplicative property of equality...double-check.