

What is V πr 2 h?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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11y ago

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The question may refer to the volume of a cylinder with radius "r" and length/height "h".

Then the volume, V = πr²h.

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Q: What is V πr 2 h?
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You can use V^2=V_0^2+2a(delta(y)) we know that V_0 = 0, delta(y)=h and a=GM/R^2 substituting we get V^2=2GMh/R^2 so V=sqrt(2GMh/R^2) You can also do this using the gravitational definition of potential energy If GMm/R^2=force of gravity then we know the integral of this is equal its potential energy. so PE= -GMm/R evaluated from r to r+h setting this equal to kinetic energy (1/2*mv^2) and evaluating our integral we get v=sqrt[2GM(1/R-1/(R+h))]

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from v and h , find r then find r/2. * * * * * That will not work! The formula for the volume of a whole cylinder is V = pi*r2*h So the volume of half a cylinder is V = 1/2*pi*r2*h This give r2 = 2V/(pi*h) and so r = sqrt[2V/(pi*h)]

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