

What is a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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A variable

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Q: What is a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown?
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What is a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown value?

If you are talking about math then its usually " x " but if that is already use in the expression and you want to use another symbol to represent a DIFFERENT number then you can use y or a or so on.

What is the letter or symbol used to represent unknown values?

The choice of a token to represent an unknown is wide open. Commonly, x and y are used, but one may use any letter of the alphabet, particularly if it has some phonic association. c is often used as a token for the speed of light; as a substitute for the word celerity.

What symbol is used to represent some known or unknown number?

The symbols used are called variables.

What does X means in Mathematics?

X is the symbol for multiplication, as in 2X2=4 X (or any other letter) is often used to represent an unknown quantity.

What letter symbol is used to represent current?

The letter 'I' is used to represent current. Its SI units are the ampere,(amps),(A).

What is the symbol to represent a joule?

The symbol that is used to represent a joule is the letter "J". This is a derived unit of energy. It can also be used to represent work, and an amount of heat.

What is the letter used to represent an unknown person called?


What is the letter used to represent an unknown number called?

a variable.

What do you call a symbol used to represent the unknown quantity in an equation?

x or any other variable

What is a symbol that is usually a letter used to represent a number?

A variablẹ

What is a symbol or letter used to represent a number called?

A variable

A symbol that stands for an unknown quantity?

In maths the symbols x and n are usually used to represent an unknown quantity. These may be referred to as a variable.