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A composite number.

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Q: What is a number that can be created by multiplying more than itself times one?
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What is multiplying the base number by itself once or many times?

Same as multiplying any number by itself once or many times.

How do you make a number the square?

you make a square number by multiplying a number times itself.

What is used to indicate multiplying a number by itself an certain number of times?

An exponent is used to indicate that a number is multiplied by itself a specified number of times. For example, to multiply 4 by itself 9 times, you would write 49.

What are the numbers that result from multiplying any whole number times itself?

It is a perfect square.

What is nine to the second power?

9 to the 2 power is 81 9x9=81 When you are calculating powers you are really multiplying the first number by itself the number of times the second number says. so for 9 to the 2 power you are multiplying 9 by itself 2 times

What is the relationship between multiply and factoring?

multiplying is making a number bigger by adding itself to itself a certain number of times and factoring is the opposite, taking away a certain number from itself.

Why does cubed mean times 3?

Cubing a number does not mean multiplying it by 3 - it means multiplying it by itself, and then multiplying it by itself again. For example, 9 cubed is equal to 9 x 9 x 9 = 729.

What is the value of 1 to any power?

When you raise a number to any power x, you multiply it by itself x times. Because 1 times anything is itself, multiplying 1 by itself any number of times will still give you 1.

What is a simple way of writing a number repeatedly multiplied by itself?

It's called an exponent and you write the number you are multiplying and on its top right you write the number of times you are multiplying it by itself. For example: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24

What two numbers add together to make a cube number?

Cubes of numbers are made by multiplying a number by itself three times.

What is the base number of an exponent?

The base number of an exponant is the number that you are multiplying by. For example, 5 to the power of 2. multiply 5 by itself 2 times.

What the square of a number?

Times it again by the same number [e.g] square of 4 is 4X4=16 so square of 4 is 16