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Q: What is a positive line on a velocity time graph mean?
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How Can you tell from a velocity-time graph that the velocity is constant?

velocity is nothing but speed of a body in the given direction. suppose if body is moving with constant velocity then VT graph will be parallel to the X -axis, if not then the VT graph is not parallel to the X-axis it means then object is moving with different velocity or it has its dierection or both velocity and aswell as direction.

What does it mean if a line is flat on a distance-time graph?

Time is plotted on the X-axis. Speed or velocity is plotted on the Y-axis. A straight horizontal line on a speed-time graph means that speed is constant. It is not changing over time. A straight line does not mean that the object is not moving!

In a distance vs time graph if the line is perfectly horizontal what does that mean about the velocity of the object?


What does an upward sloping diagonal line mean in a velocity vs time graph?

It means acceleration.

If a line is decreasing on a velocity v time graph what does it mean?

That an object is losing speed. It is experiencing negative acceleration.

What does a downward sloping diagonal line mean in a velocity vs time graph?

This means your velocity is decreasing with time, or in other words, the object is slowing down.

What does position time graph mean in science?


What does a straight line on a graph mean in velocity?

If the axes are time/distance then, and only then, it means a constant velocityIf not, then this Q doesn't have enough data to A

What does the diagonal slope of a velocity vs time graph mean?


What is data point on graph mean?

line graph

What variable does slope represent in a velocity vs time graph?

The Physical quantity that the slope of velocity time graph show is:negative acceleration otherwise retardation.If the velocity of the body is decreasing then the body is said to have negative acceleration (-ve) or retardation.u>v