No. While 4 is a factor of 40, it is not a prime number.
The greatest prime factor of 40 is: 5
520. 13 is a prime number and not a factor of 40.
No multiple of 86 is in that range. 43 is a prime number that is a factor of 86.
The greatest prime factor of 40 is 5. The greatest prime factor of 63 is 7. They do not have any prime factors in common.
41, 43 and 47 are the prime numbers between 40 and 50. Any nonzero number can be a factor.
A factor can or cannot be a prime number Ex: 2 is the factor of all other even numbers its a prime number but 9 is a factor of 18 and its not a prime number A prime is a factor but a factor being a prime number varies
you don't have common factors if you have a prime number. The answer is 1.
13 is a prime number. The only prime factor of a prime number is the number itself.
what number is not a prime factor
That's a prime factor.