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Q: What is a real-life example of a normal curve called a bell curve?
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What is a real life example of a normal curve called a bell curve?

Height is an example of a normal curve. Most people will be around average height, with some being short or tall, and very few being very short or very tall.

What is called area under normal curve?

It is called ONE = 1.

Is there any application of differentiation in statistics?

Yes. For example, consider a standard normal curve. z = 1 and z = -1 happen to lie at the inflection points of the normal curve.

Is the standard normal curve non symmetrical?

The standard normal curve is symmetrical.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

What are the properties of a standard normal curve?

It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

What is the word with the definition of a hill shaped curve centered around an average value?

bell curve i believe is the word your looking for..Its called Normal Distribution :)

What is the area under the standard normal curve?

the standard normal curve 2

He area under the standard normal curve is?

The area under the standard normal curve is 1.

What makes ormal curve asymmetrical?

There is no such thing as an "ormal curve". And a Normal curve IS symmetrical!

Can you compare and contrast the skewness and normal curve?

Answer this question...similarities and differences between normal curve and skewness

The area under the normal curve is greatest in which scenario?

The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.