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The standard normal curve is symmetrical.

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Q: Is the standard normal curve non symmetrical?
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What are the non-symmetrical parts of the body?

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Does a pretzel have symmetry?

Depends on the pretzel non-symmetrical ones:no the symmetrical ones: yes

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Standard deviation can be calculated using non-normal data, but isn't advised. You'll get abnormal results as the data isn't properly sorted, and the standard deviation will have a large window of accuracy.

Is CH4 symmetrical or not?

Yes it is symmetrical.So it is non polar

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It is a non-symmetrical dragon.


P and R.

What are non symmetrical shapes?

I dont really know. That is what I am trying to figure out !! I think non-symmetrical shapes are shapes where all sides are different lengths/sizes. For example, a square or rectangle would not be non-symmetrical. It would be symmetrial because not all of the sides are different lengths. Hope that kinda helps. If not, I'm sorry!!

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if the molecule is symmetrical, then it is nonpolar. if it is NOT symmetrical, it is polar. Ionic bonds form between a metal and a nonmetal.

What shape are non symmetrical shapes?

there is a lot like irregular shapes

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Could a tessellation work without a non-semetrical shape?

Assuming that you mean non-symmetrical, the answer is yes.