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The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.

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He area under the standard normal curve is?

The area under the standard normal curve is 1.

What is the area under the standard normal curve?

the standard normal curve 2

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What is the area under the normal curve between z equals 0.0 and z equals 2.0?

What is the total area under the normal distribution curve?

The area under the normal distribution curve represents the probability of an event occurring that is normally distributed. So, the area under the entire normal distribution curve must be 1 (equal to 100%). For example, if the mean (average) male height is 5'10" then there is a 50% chance that a randomly selected male will have a height that is below or exactly 5'10". This is because the area under the normal curve from the left hand side up to the mean consists of half of the entire area of the normal curve. This leads us to the definitions of z-scores and standard deviations to represent how far along the normal curve a particular value is. We can calculate the likelihood of the value by finding the area under the normal curve to that point, usually by using a z-score cdf (cumulative density function) utility of a calculator or statistics software.

What is called area under normal curve?

It is called ONE = 1.

What are the characteristics of a normal distribution curve?

Characteristics of a Normal Distribution1) Continuous Random Variable.2) Mound or Bell-shaped curve.3) The normal curve extends indefinitely in both directions, approaching, but never touching, the horizontal axis as it does so.4) Unimodal5) Mean = Median = Mode6) Symmetrical with respect to the meanThat is, 50% of the area (data) under the curve lies to the left ofthe mean and 50% of the area (data) under the curve liesto the right of the mean.7) (a) 68% of the area (data) under the curve is within onestandard deviation of the mean(b) 95% of the area (data) under the curve is within twostandard deviations of the mean(c) 99.7% of the area (data) under the curve is within threestandard deviations of the mean8) The total area under the normal curve is equal to 1.

Is The total area under the curve of any normal distribution is 1.0?

yes because 1 = 100% so the entire area under the curve is 100%

If the tails of the normal distribution curve are infinitely long. Is it True or False that the total area under the curve is also infinite?

False. A normalized distribution curve (do not confuse normalized with normal), by definition, has an area under the curve of exactly 1. That is because the probability of all possible events is also always exactly 1. The shape of the curve does not matter.

What is the area under the standard normal distribution curve between z1.50 and z2.50?


What is the z score of 0.0011 that corresponds to the area under the standard normal curve?
