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Q: What is a shape with one pair of parraell sides of different length and two right angles?
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A parallelogram with four right angles with sides different in length and width?

a parallelogram with four right angles with sides different in length and width is That would be a rectangle. - HistoryDork

What is a parallelogram with diagonals of different length intersecting at right angles?

A rhombus.

What parallelogram 4 right angles and sides different in length and width?


What has consecutative sides a different length and no acute angles or obtuse angles?

With no acute or obtuse angles, the shape must only have right angles. For a quadrilateral, that limits it to a square or rectangle. Because each side has a different length than the one next to it, it has to be a rectangle.(Or, it could be a shape with any amount of sides above 4, as long as the angles are all right angles)

Does a right angle triangle have parallel sides?

no triangles have parraell sides!

What shape is a polygon and a quadrangle and all sides are different with no right angles?

There are infinitely many quadrangles - all of which are polygons - that have sides of different length and angles that are not right angles. There is, however, no specific name for such quadrangles because there are so many different possible shapes.

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I am a quadrilateral that has 4 right angles. My opposite sides are parallel and of equal length. What figure am I?

A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and opposite sides that are parallel can be either a rectangle if the adjacent sides are of different length or a square if the adjacent sides are of the same length.

What name best describes a parallelogram with 4 right angles and with sides different in length and width?


A quadrilateral with equal diagonals and no right angles?

An isosceles trapezoid will have diagonals of equal length but will never contain right angles by definition. A square and rectangle will have diagonals of equal length but will contain 4 right angles. A rhombus and any other parallelogram that does not contain right angles will not have diagonals of equal length.

What shape has 4 sides not the same length and all are right angles?

A rectangle has 4 sides not the same length and 4 right angles.

A parallelogram with 4 right angles and with sides different in length and width?

A parallelogram with equal angles and two pairs of sides of different lengths is a Rectangle. The rectangle is a special case of the parallelogram where the angles are all equal at 90°.