Plane polygonal shapes, that is, shapes with straight line boundaries must have 3 or more sides. If they have only two sides, these cannot be straight. They can wriggle all over the place and the shape has no name.
A two-dimensional shape with one curved side and four straight sides can be created, but there is not specific name for such a shape.
Isoceles Triangle
A two dimentional shape with 1 side and 1 vertex.
A side is basically a geometrical shape; an edge is where two sides meet.
A side is basically a geometric shape; and edge is where two sides met.
This shape is going to be a rectangle. Picture a rectangle that is twice a long as it is wide. Now draw a line segment to exactly bisect the long side. You now have two congruent squares sitting side by side.
The shape is called a "kite" - which fits well with the shape of a lot of the kites flown for fun.
It is an isosceles triangle
a rectangle, which has two sets of parallel side