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If you have a square, you divide by four. Otherwise, you need more information.

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Q: What is a way to find the length or width when you have the perimeter?
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What is one different way to to find the perimeter of a rectangle?

Length + length + width + width = perimeter. Length + width x 2 = perimeter

How is perimeter and area related in a rectangle?

The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around the rectangle. The area of a rectangle is the space inside the rectangle. To calculate either one you need the length and the width of the rectangle. To calculate the area multiply the length times the width. To calculate the perimeter add the length+width+length+width (that is the distance all the way around)

What do you do to the length and width of a rectangle if you want the perimeter to be the same as another rectangle but have a larger area?

YOu add a # to the width and then you subtract the same # from the length! If you want to go all the way and make the area as big as possible, then you want to make the length and width both 1/4 of the perimeter.

What is a perimeter in math?

The perimeter is the length plus width times 2.

What is the perimeter of 10cm?

10cm is a length. You can only find perimeter (length all the way round) if there is a shape!

If you know the perimeter how do you find length?

there is no way because you have to add the sides to get the perimeter.

What is all the way around a rectangle?

Its called the perimeter and its 2(L+W) where L is the length and W the width of the rectangle

Alex is making a rectangular garden and wants a fence around it he wants the length?

Only one way to find out: measure the width and the length of the garden, add them together and multiply by two which gives the perimeter of the rectangular garden.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 3 yd and width 7 yd?

Perimeter = 2*(L+W) = 2*(3+7) = 2*10 = 20 yards. By the way, conventionally, the length is the bigger dimension.

How do you find the width and length of a rectangular box given the volume and height?

I can get you most of the way there volume÷height=length+width (so you can find 2 numbers which add up to the answer you get and those could be your length and width) hope this helps

How do you find length width and height of a volume?

You cannot: given only the volume, there is no way to determine the length, or width or height. If you double the length and halve the width you would still have the same volume.

Who to calculates perimeter of flat roof?

Same way you would a garden. Linear foot measures. Length x width x 2.