

What is an example of adding negative numbers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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-4 + -2 = -6

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Q: What is an example of adding negative numbers?
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Wats are temples from South East Asia and, as far as I am aware, they do not dicatate any rules for adding rational numbers.

How do you subtract integers with opposite sign?

You actually end up adding. Since a negative number is less than zero, subtrating negative numbers is really adding positive numbers. An example: 9 - (-7) = 9 + 7 =16.

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Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Negative If it's a negative + a positive, it depends on the numbers. For example: -2 + 1 = -1 -107 + 213 = 106

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It is the same thing, since "integers" consists of positive and negative numbers (and zero).

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Subtracting negative numbers is exactly the same as adding the positive number.

How is adding to negative integers the same as and different from subtracting two positive integers?

No- adding negative numbers is like adding positive numbesr , except the answer is negative.

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The numbers can have a positive or negative sign.

Is the answer still negative if both numbers that are being added are negative?

Yes, if you are adding two negative numbers then the answer will be a negative. However, if you are multiplying or dividing two negative numbers then the answer will be a positive number.

When adding integers and both numbers are negative is the answer positive?

No, it is not.

How do you subtract a positive by a negative?

Subtracting a positive number from a negative number is the same as adding two negative numbers, which is like adding two positive numbers except you're going to the left from zero on the number line instead of to the right. The rule is to add the absolute values (the numbers without the signs) of the two numbers and keep the negative sign. For example, -3 - 5 = (-3) + (-5) = -1 * (3 + 5) = -8.

What is the algorithm for adding negative numbers?

subtract the positive number

Is a negative number add a negative number a positive or negative answer?

Adding two negative numbers always gives a negative number.