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coil span or coil pitch is defind as the distance mesured in terms of armature slots(or armature conductors) between two sides of a coil.

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Q: What is coil span factor and distribution factor?
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Why in coil power factor is low?

A coil of wire acts as an inductor; it will have a very small resistance, and a relatively large inductance. Power factor is effectively the resistance divided by the impedance (made up of resistance and inductance), so the larger the inductance relative to the resistance, the lower the power factor will be.

How do i get the 4 star Dragon Ball in Dragon Ball Z buu's fury?

parliamo </ SPAN> tienes </ SPAN> todas </ SPAN> Obtener </ SPAN> Todas </ SPAN> las </ SPAN> del </ SPAN> dragón, </ SPAN> menos < / SPAN> de </ goten </ SPAN> q tiene </ SPAN> q ser SPAN> </ SPAN> nivel </ SPAN> Obtener 100 </ SPAN> todas </ SPAN> y despues </ SPAN> SE </ SPAN> solitario Aparece </ SPAN> en el </ SPAN> pueblo, hablar </ SPAN> con el </ SPAN> cura </ SPAN> del </ cs_misspelled> SPAN> </ SPAN> ai </ cs_misspelled> SPAN> </ SPAN> hacia </ SPAN> donde </ SPAN> esta </ SPAN> el </ SPAN> Guardia </ SPAN> habla </ SPAN> y pasas </ SPAN> La Puerta </ SPAN> class=cs_misspelled> y la ha </ SPAN> derrotar </ span> volver </ SPAN> broly </ span> cn </ SPAN> hablarcura </ SPAN> del </ SPAN> Pueblo

How many days are in a span?

A span is usually a measurement of length, as in inches or feet, not of time. However, some fantasy novels etc uses span for time; A span is an eleven day week.

What does positive of the coil mean?

The COIL HAS A POSITIVE AND A NEGATIVE TERMINAL. If you look at the top of the coil, it is generally marked + and - on the top.

Meaning of sitting height and arm span?

Arm span is a measure of the arm

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What are the factors influences span of control?

factor's which influences span of control. factor's which influences span of control.

What are the Factors which influences span of control?

factor's which influences span of control. factor's which influences span of control.

What is Q factor of a coil?

The Q factor of a coil, sometimes called the unloaded Q factor, is the ratio of the energy stored in the coil to the energy dissipated in the resistance of the wire.

What is quality factor for choke coil?

the quality factor for choke coil is impedence divided by resistance in a given circuit

What is lane distribution factor?

DL = lane distribution factor, expressed as a ratio, accounts for the distribution of loads when two or more lanes are available in one direction

What is the reciprocal of the power factor?


Structure of main bars and distribution bars?

main bars are those bars which lying on the shorter span : main bar formulas : Long span divide by distance of main bars puls one = Long span/distance of main bars +1 main bar lenght= (short span+hooks)-C.C C.C= concrete cover Distribution bars which is those lying on the longer span: No's=long span divided distance of main bar plus one=long span/distance of main bar+1 distribution bar length =(short span +hooks) -C.C c.c = is concrete cover

What is the key factor in describing population distribution?

The key factor in describing population distribution is the land resources available. This is what will determine the population density of a place.

What is bypass factor in air conditioning?

Bypass factor is the percentage of air that travels through a tube and fin coil without touching any coil surface.

An environmental factor that prevents an organism or population from reaching its full potential of distribution or activity?

The factor that prevents an organism or population from reaching its full potential of distribution or activity is called the limiting factor.

Which abiotic factor limits the distribution of the ocean but does not usually limit the distribution of life on land?


What is Load Distribution Factor in Electricity Distribution?

distribution factor ['dis·trə′byü·shən 'fak·tər](nucleonics) A term used to express the modification of the effect of radiation in a biological system attributable to the nonuniform distribution of an internally deposited isotope, such as radium's being concentrated in bones.