The COIL HAS A POSITIVE AND A NEGATIVE TERMINAL. If you look at the top of the coil, it is generally marked + and - on the top.
Not necessarily. It means that is the component being effected. It may mean the coil is bad. The coil should be tested.Not necessarily. It means that is the component being effected. It may mean the coil is bad. The coil should be tested.
In this context, 'negative' and 'positive' are used to indicate the sense, or direction, of the induced voltages, as voltages do not have electric polarity (+ or -). The direction of the voltage induced into a conductor is determined by the direction of that conductor relative to the magnetic field. As the coil rotates, the directions of each side of the coil reverse relative to the field, and the induced voltages reverse too.
A diode connected in this way is a flyback diode or kickback diode. There are some other names that may be applied. The diode is a protection device. When power to the coil is discontinued, the electromagnetic field around the coil will collapse. The collapse of that field will induce a voltage, and this could expose circuit elements to "kickback" from the field collapse. The polarity of the induced voltage will, however, forward bias the diode, and it will conduct current for an instant. The inductive kickback of the coil will thus be damped by that diode.
There are a couple of examples that come to mind where there is a coil in a circuit. One is, the coil is used as a choke to block harmonics from going down the electrical line. Another example of a coil in the line is the coil in a magnetic contactor. When this coil is energized the contacts of the magnetic contactor close.
coil span or coil pitch is defind as the distance mesured in terms of armature slots(or armature conductors) between two sides of a coil.
Instal a swithhed direct line from the batterie to the positive side of the coil Instal a swithhed direct line from the batterie to the positive side of the coil
look at the coil, it is marked - or +
make sure the coil is a positive grounded coil, most are negative ground. battery just hooks up opposite to usual the coil is the only thing u need to make sure of
Your coil has a positive and negative side and if there is no power to the positive side you will not have any spark: However, if you have no ground to the negative side you will have the same problem. Check for power and ground with a volt meter.To check for power, connect red lead from volt meter to positive side of coil and black lead to negative side of battery, you should read 12 volts with key on. To check ground, connect black lead from volt meter to negative side of coil and red lead to positive side of battery, you should read 12 volts with key on.
Not necessarily. It means that is the component being effected. It may mean the coil is bad. The coil should be tested.Not necessarily. It means that is the component being effected. It may mean the coil is bad. The coil should be tested.
No, just the positive side is hot.
To maintain positive pressure in the AHU coil
When the coil spring is completely compressed and the coils are touching
The coils have constant voltage to them, each a branch of 1 or 2 coil power wires. the coil "fires" by alternately grounding and ungrounding the negative terminal of the coil. with the key in the "on" position (engine off) there should be constant power (battery voltage) to the positive terminals of the plugs of every coil. If you attach a test light to the positive coil terminal and probe the negative coil terminal on any of the coil plugs, then crank the motor, you should see the testlight flash. If the light stays on there is a short on the coil ground(bad wiring or the computer is keeping it on). If the light doesn't go on at all, the coil ground is open (broken wire or a driver in the computer burnt). If the light does flash and there is power on the positive side, the coil itself is probably bad.
The resister cuts the voltage to 6v.. in run pos,Will send 12v to coil in start pos.