

What is coplanar vector?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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9y ago

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In geometry a vector is used to make the equations easier to understand and to figure out. Velocity and force are examples of vectors. For a vector to be coplanar there must be two or more and they must be linearly dependent. Coplanar vectors have proportional components and their rank is 2.

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Coplanar vectors are vectors lying in the same plane.

Under what condition the sum of three vectors will be zero?

Three vectors sum to zero under the condition that they are coplanar (lie in a common plane) and form a triangle. If the vectors are not coplanar, they will not sum to zero. Another way of looking at it is that the sum is zero if any vector is exactly equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the vector sum (so-called resultant) of the remaining two.

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In a plane, each vector has only one orthogonal vector (well, two, if you count the negative of one of them). Are you sure you don't mean the normal vector which is orthogonal but outside the plane (in fact, orthogonal to the plane itself)?

How can four non coplanar vectors give a resultant zero?

Easy, the fourth vector (D) be opposite the sum of the other three non-coplanar vectors (A , B, C). 0=A + B + C + D where D = -(A + B + C).

What is the difference between coplanar and non-coplanar?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

What is the difference between coplanar and non-coplanar vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

Why four points may or may not be coplanar?

Coplanarity is equivalent to the statement that the pair of lines determined by the four points are not skew, and can be equivalently stated in vector form as

What is similar between collinear and coplanar points?

because coplanar is coplanar and collinear is collinear!!

What is coplanar?

Points that are coplanar are on the same plane.

What are the coplanar vectors in mathematics?

Vectors that sum to zero are coplanar and coplanar vectors sum to zero.

Differentiate coplanar from non coplanar?

coplanar are points that lie on the same plane meanwhile non coplanar are points that don't lie on the same plane.

What is the answer of non-coplanar points?

non-coplanar points