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Q: What is cricondentherm and cricondenbar and hydrocarbon critical point?
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What relation does the boiling point of an amine have to a similar hydrocarbon?

The boiling point would be higher!

What is the point on a phase diagram at which all phases occur simultaneously is called the end point critical point boiling point melting point?

This is the critical point.

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What is difference between critical temperature and boiling point?

difference between critical temp and boiling point

What is a substance's critical point?

the temperature and pressure where the liquid state no longer exist is called the critical point

What is critical heat flux and what is its physical significance?

critical heat flux is the heat flux at critical point

What is the critical temperature and pressure of CCl4?

For example from hydrogen critical point (-239,85 0C) to lithium critical point (2 950 0C).

What does the critical point represent?

Critical point is also known as a critical state, occurs under conditions at which no phase boundaries exist. There are multiple types of critical points, including vapor-liquid critical points and liqui-liquid critical points.

How does density vary for a component at its critical point?

For a pure component the density difference between a liquid and gas approaches zero as the critical point is approached. By definition liquid and gaseous phases are indistinguishable (meaning no difference) at the critical point.

Principle of critical-point control?

In Control function of Management,Critical control point (CCP) is a point, step or procedure at which controls can be applied to the system (feedback or feedforward) and a disturbance can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable (critical) levels.

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Which of the following is a critical control point when preparing a beef curry?

How does the boiling point of a hydrocarbon change in presence of hydrogen?

It can NOT be changed by the presence of hydrogen without chemical reaction.