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Q: What is cricondentherm and cricondenbar and hydrocarbon critical point?
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What is the derivation of the word cricondentherm?

The word "cricondentherm" is derived from the Latin words "crico," which means ring, and "therm," which means heat. It refers to the point on a phase diagram where the vapor, liquid, and solid phases coexist at a specific temperature and pressure.

What relation does the boiling point of an amine have to a similar hydrocarbon?

The boiling point of an amine is typically higher than a similar hydrocarbon due to the presence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between amine molecules. This hydrogen bonding results in stronger attractive forces between amine molecules, requiring more energy to overcome and reach the boiling point.

What is the point on a phase diagram at which all phases occur simultaneously is called the end point critical point boiling point melting point?

The point on a phase diagram at which all phases occur simultaneously is called the triple point. This is the point at which all three phases - solid, liquid, and gas - coexist in equilibrium.

Do hydrocarbon long chains have a high or low boiling point?

Hydrocarbon long chains generally have a high boiling point compared to short chains because longer chains have more bonds to break, requiring more energy for them to vaporize. This is why long-chain hydrocarbons like waxes and oils are typically solid at room temperature.

What is difference between critical temperature and boiling point?

The critical temperature is the highest temperature at which a substance can exist in a distinct liquid and gas phase, above which the substance becomes a supercritical fluid. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure, causing the liquid to transition into a gas phase.

What does the critical point represent?

Critical point is also known as a critical state, occurs under conditions at which no phase boundaries exist. There are multiple types of critical points, including vapor-liquid critical points and liqui-liquid critical points.

How does density vary for a component at its critical point?

For a pure component the density difference between a liquid and gas approaches zero as the critical point is approached. By definition liquid and gaseous phases are indistinguishable (meaning no difference) at the critical point.

Principle of critical-point control?

Critical-point control involves adjusting a system's parameters to optimize or stabilize its behavior near critical points, where significant changes occur. By carefully manipulating these parameters, it is possible to achieve desired outcomes or prevent unwanted system behaviors. This control principle is commonly used in various fields, such as engineering, economics, and biology.

What is the critical temperature and pressure of CCl4?

The critical temperature of CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride) is 283.5°C and the critical pressure is 45.6 atm. At the critical point, the distinction between liquid and gas phases of CCl4 disappears, and it behaves as a supercritical fluid.

What is a critical control point when preparing a beef curry?

Which of the following is a critical control point when preparing a beef curry?

What is a substance's critical point?

A substance's critical point is the temperature and pressure at which the gas and liquid phases of the substance become indistinguishable, forming a supercritical fluid. At the critical point, the substance exhibits unique properties, such as density and viscosity, that differ from those of its gas or liquid phases.

What is Critical point of phenol-water system?

The critical point of the phenol-water system occurs when the temperature and pressure reach the critical values at which the distinction between liquid and gas phases disappears. At this point, the properties of both phases become indistinguishable, leading to a critical point that represents the maximum temperature and pressure at which the two phases can coexist.