You don't 'answer' a decimal in math. The decimal is the portion of a number which is less than one.
It represents a number.
A decimal number that continuously repeats is known as a "recurring" or "repeating decimal".
whole number
In math the decimal number of 282.75 is 28275 as a percent.
The number -69 as a decimal would be -6.9. This is a math problem.
Yes...thats how math works Decimal : 0.00001 Number : 1 Decimal + Number = 1.00001 Where 1.00001 > 1
Any whole number in math is simply a number without any decimal points. 324 -whole 324.78 -fraction
If a number is not in decimal format you simply don't need to round it. Or better say you can not round it because it is not a math rule.
An integer is a number which does not have a decimal part at all.
It is the base of the commonly used decimal system