

What is forty nine divided by B as a fraction?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is forty nine divided by B as a fraction?
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B divide 5 is (in fraction) b over 5.

When multiplying a nonzero fraction by its reciprocal the product is call?

When you multiply a nonzero fraction by its reciprocal you get 1. Take this example.Lets say you have a fraction called (a/b). The reciprocal of that fraction would be (b/a). If you multiply the two you'd get (a/b)*(b/a)=(ab/ab). Anything divided by itself is 1.

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To divide a fraction by itself is actually pretty easy. Let's say that we have a fraction which is a/b (so a and b could be any numbers and this could be any fraction). Then, we can do the following: (a/b)/(a/b) = (a/b)*(b/a) (in other words, when dividing by a fraction, you can do this by multiplying by the fraction flipped upside down) = (a*b)/(b*a) = 1 (because a and b cancel each other out) Therefore, any fraction (or indeed any number at all) divided by itself will give the answer of 1.

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The standard form of a fraction is a/b where a and b are integers and b>0. If a and b have a common factor, other than 1, they can both be divided by that common factor to bring the fraction to its lowest terms. In principle, a and b could be polynomials or functions of variables, but that is probably at a more advanced level of mathematics than this question suggests.

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The square root of a/b is equal to the square root of a divided by the square root of b. I hope this helps you.

Is the reciprocal of an improper fraction sometimes always or never a proper fraction?

For a fraction A/B, the fraction is improper if A > B. The reciprocal is B/A. So now A is the denominator, and B is the numerator, and B < A, so the reciprocal is a proper fraction. The answer would be always.

What is the inverted form of a fraction?

It is the reciprocal. A fraction, a/b is inverted to b/a

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It isnt possible for it to b an improper fraction. For it to b an improper fraction, it has to first b a mixed no

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You can write that as 5 / (a + b), or as a fraction, with the 5 on top, and a + b at the bottom. The actual value of this expression will depend on the values of "a" and "b".

Dividing a whole number by a fraction?

for example x belongs to W a/b is a fraction x divided by a/b is = x X b/a means the whole number should multiply with reciprocal ( Multiplicativeinverse) of such fraction we get the solutiion.

What fractions go into nine fourths?

The concept of divisibility does not apply to fractions. Any non-zero fraction can go into any fraction. For example a/b goes into 9/4 where b is any integer and a is any non-zero integer. It goes 9b/4a times.

In a fraction what is the denominator?

It's the number on the bottom of the fraction.