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For a fraction A/B, the fraction is improper if A > B. The reciprocal is B/A. So now A is the denominator, and B is the numerator, and B < A, so the reciprocal is a proper fraction. The answer would be always.

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Q: Is the reciprocal of an improper fraction sometimes always or never a proper fraction?
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Related questions

Why do you need a reciprocal when you divide a fraction?

You do not need it! Sometimes it is simpler to multiply by a number's reciprocal than to divide by it but that is not always the case.

What makes a common fraction improper?

An improper fraction is a fraction in which the top number (numerator) is largerthan the bottom number (denominator).Such a fraction can always be converted to a whole number plus sometimes a'proper' fraction.Examples:The improper fraction 45/15 = 3 .The improper fraction 10/7 = 13/7 .

Why is the reciprocal of a fraction less than one always a fraction greater than one?

A positive fraction that is less than one is known as a proper fraction. In a proper fraction, the denominator is greater than the numerator. A reciprocal fraction would have a numerator greater than the denominator. Such a fraction is known as an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than one.

What is the product of a fraction and its reciprocal is always equal to?

It is equal to 1, but not always: the reciprocal must be defined for the equality and the reciprocal is not always defined.

When dividing fractions does the answer always end with an improper fraction?

Not always. There are times when division of fractions results in a non-improper fraction.

What is the product of two numbers that are reciprocals of one another explain why this is always the case?

A fraction multiplied by its reciprocal is always equal to one. This is because the reciprocal is an inversion of the fraction. The denominator of a fraction is the same number as the numerator of the reciprocal, and vice versa. The product of this is a fraction with the same numbers for the denominator and reciprocal, which is also known as an equivalent fraction. Equivalent fractions are always equal to one.

Is the reciprocal of a fraction always a whole number?

No. The reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3.

What numberis an improper fraction always greater tahn?

An improper fraction is greater than or equal to 1.

Is the reciprocal of a fraction always a whole number explain?

No. The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2

Are improper fractions always greater than 1?

Yes. That's the definition of an improper fraction. If it's not greater than ' 1 ', then it isn't an improper fraction.

Why is reciprocal of a fraction less than 1 is always greater than 1?

Proper fractions are less than one.. Their numerators re less than their denominators. Their reciprocals have numerators greater than their denominators, making them improper. Improper fractions are greater than 1.

Why in improper fraction the numerator is greater than denominator?

That is why it is called an improper fraction because a proper or a common fraction always has its numerator less than its denominator.