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They are equal weight.

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Q: What is heavier a kilo of sand a kilo of iron a kilo of feathers a kilo of flour or a kilo of fruits?
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Which is heavier a ton of iron or a ton of feathers?

They are both equal in weight.

Are iron weights heavier than concrete weights?

No a lb of bricks and a pound of feathers is still a pound same with concrete and iron

Which is heavier 10 pounds of feathers or 10 pounds of iron?

These two quantities both weigh the same- 10 pounds.

Which is heavier iron filings or seawater?

Iron fillings are heavier.

What is heavier iron or silica?

Iron is heavier because iron is a metal and metals are heavier but silica is not a metal so silica is lighter than iron.

Is iodine heavier than iron?

No, atomically Iron is a heavier element

Which is heavier lead or iron?

Lead is heavier than iron.

Why does iron feel heavier than feather when their weights are the same?

Iron feels heavier than a feather because it is denser. Density is the amount of mass per unit volume, so even if the weights are the same, the iron is more compacted and takes up less space than the feather. As a result, the iron feels more substantial and gives the perception of being heavier.

Is iron heavier than plastic?

Yes iron is very much heavier then plastic.

Does flour contain iron?

Flour is used in baking as well as cooking. The a punt of iron does vary by the type of flour being used. On average flour has 0.6 grams of iron per cup.

Is an iron nail heavier than a wooden stool?

The wooden stool is heavier than the iron nail

What is heavier one pound of iron or one pound of cotton?

Same. That's an old trick question but feathers were more commonly used than cotton.