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Q: What is it called when concentrations of two solutions are equal?
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If two solutions have unequal concentrations of solute the solution with the lower concentration is called?

the one with higher quantity is called solvent the lower one im not sure about ill look it up on google :) :) :) :) :)

Do you agree that quadratic equations has at most two solutions?

Yes and sometimes the two solutions are equal

Why are there usually two solutions in quadratic equations and when do they only have one solution?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is greater than zero then it will have two different solutions. If the discriminant is equal to zero then it will have two equal solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then it will have no real solutions.

What is 'endosmosis'?

The movement of a solvent through a membrane separating two solutions of different concentrations. The solvent from the side of weaker concentration usually moves to the side of the stronger concentration, diluting it, until the concentrations of the solutions are equal on both sides of the membrane. (Wikipedia)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click under the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.

When does osmosis occur?

When two solutions, with different concentrations are separated by a semi permeable membrane. The flow will be from high concentration to low.

What are the two solutions for quadratic equations?

Quadratic curves only have two solutions when the discrimant is greater than or equal to zero.

How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is zero?

It will then have two equal real solutions

A solution containing equal numbers of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is called what?

Technically it is called water because the positive hydrogen ions and the negative hydroxide ions would attract to form a compound with two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. H2O. This occurs most often in acid-base neutralization reaction where water is a product of the reactions.

Why does the level of a more concentrated solution rise when two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane and when does it stop rising?

The more concentrated solution is hypertonic and osmotic pressure (a hydrostatic force whose sole purpose in life is to make concentrations equal) tends to move solvent into the more concentrated solution. It will stop rising when either a) the solution concentrations are the same on both sides of the membrane, or b) when the osmotic pressure becomes equal to the ambient air pressure.

How many solutions does x2-4x plus 4 equals 0 have?

It has two equal solutions of 2

Is it important for the concentration of the reactant solutions to be equal?

Yes. The volume you have of a particular solution does not have anything to do with the concentration of that solution.

What is isotonic pressure?

A term applied when two solutions have identical concentrations of of solute molecules and hence the same osmotic pressure, or isotonic pressure.