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Q: How many solutions will a problem have if the discriminant is zero?
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How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is zero?

It will then have two equal real solutions

If the discriminant equals zero the equation has solutions?

Yes and they will be of equal value

If the discriminant of an equation is zero is true of the equation?

That its roots (solutions) are coincident.

How do you find quadratic equation with only 2 solutions?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is equal or greater than zero it will have 2 solutions if it is less than zero then there are no solutions.

What is a discriminant and how does help to solve equations?

In the quadratic formula, the discriminant is b2-4ac. If the discriminant is positive, the equation has two real solutions. If it equals zero, the equation has one real solution. If the discriminant is negative, it has two imaginary solutions. This is because you find the square root of the discriminant and add or subtract it from -b and divide the sum or difference by 2a. If the square root is of a positive number, then you get two different solutions, one from adding the discriminant to -b and one from subtracting the discriminant from -b. If the square root is of zero, then it equals zero, and the solution is -b/2a. If the square root is of a negative number, then you have two imaginary solutions because you can't take the square root of a negative number and get a real number. One solution is from subtracting the discriminant from -b and dividing by 2a, and the other is from adding it to -b and dividing by 2a. The parabola on the left has a positive discriminant. The parabola in the middle has a discriminant of zero. The parabola on the right has a negative discriminant.

Related questions

What is the discriminant of the polynomial below?

That depends on the values of the polynomial but in general:- If the discriminant is greater than zero it has 2 solutions If the discriminant is equal to zero then it has 2 equal solutions If the discriminant is less than zero it has no solutions

If the discriminant is zero then there are no imaginary solutions?

Yes, if the discriminant is zero, then there will be a double root, which will be real.Also, If the discriminant is positive, there will be two distinct real solutions. But if the discriminant is negative, then you will have two complex solutions.

What does the discriminant tell you?

The discriminant tells you how many solutions there are to an equation The discriminant is b2-4ac For example, two solutions for a equation would mean the discriminant is positive. If it had 1 solution would mean the discriminant is zero If it had no solutions would mean that the discriminant is negative

Why are there usually two solutions in quadratic equations and when do they only have one solution?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is greater than zero then it will have two different solutions. If the discriminant is equal to zero then it will have two equal solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then it will have no real solutions.

How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is zero?

It will then have two equal real solutions

If the discriminant is zero the equation has solutions?

It has 2 equal solutions

If the discriminant is negative the equation has solutions?

As stated in the attached link, there are three possible discriminant conditions: Positive, Zero, or Negative. If the discriminant is negative, there are no real solutions but there are two imaginary solutions. So, yes there are solutions if the discriminant is negative. The solutions are imaginary, which is perfectly acceptable as solutions.

How many real solutions does a quadratic function have when the value of its discriminant is seven?

If the discriminant is positive, as in this case, there are two real solutions.Also: * If the discriminant is zero, there is one real solution, considered to be a "double solution" because of the way polynomials are factored. * If the discriminant is negative, there are two complex solutions, which are complex and non-real.

If the discriminant of an equation is zero What is true of the equation?

That its roots (solutions) are coincident.

If the discriminant equals zero the equation has solutions?

Yes and they will be of equal value

If the discriminant of an equation is zero is true of the equation?

That its roots (solutions) are coincident.

How do you know if a quadratic equation will have more than one solutions?

Write the quadratic equation in the standard form: ax2 + bx + c = 0 Then calculate the discriminant = b2 - 4ac If the discriminant is greater than zero, there are two distinct real solutions. If the discriminant is zero, there is one real solution. If the discriminany is less than zero, there are no real solutions (there will be two distinct imaginary solutions).