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Squaring the Circle

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Q: What is it called when you use a compass and a straightedge to construct a square exactly equal in area to a given circle?
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What is it called when you use a compass and straightedge to construct a square exactily equal in area to a given circle?

Wishful thinking! This has been proved impossible many, many decades ago but some non-coms apparently still try!

What is a instrument used to construct circles and arcs circles in math?

It is "a pair of compasses" - usually called a compass.

What is it called when you construct a square exactly equal in area to a circle?


Why is the golden compass called the golden compass?

its called that because it is a compass that is golden

What is a straightedge?

A "straightedge" person was originally someone who didn't do any of the following; * take/use drugs * drink any alcohol * smoke * have sex * eat dairy products * eat meat now-a-days, most kids call themselves straightedge if they don't do the top 3 in the list, and any kids that don't do anything in the list are called "hardcore straight-up straightedge kids" Answer A straightedge is a piece of wood or plastic to help in drawing straight lines. A ruler is a straightedge, but a straightedge may not be a ruler. Both have a straight edge, certainly, but a ruler also has marked gradations for measuring things.

What is the moveable bar in a compass called?

The movable bar in a compass is called the compass needle. It is typically a thin magnetized bar that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field to indicate direction.

What is the box that surrounds around a compass called?

The box that surrounds a compass is called a compass housing or compass casing. It helps protect the compass needle and dial from damage and external interference.

What is someone called who uses a compass?

Someone who uses a compass is typically called an orienteer or navigator.

What is that movie called where animals are your soul?

The Golden Compass.

What are the four points on a compass called?

The cardinal points of the compass are North, East, South and West. Another name for them is the cardinal directions.

What is the French name for compass?

a compass is called "une boussole" (fem.) in French.

Is there a shoe brand called compass?
