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Q: What is it called when you construct a square exactly equal in area to a circle?
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What is it called when you use a compass and a straightedge to construct a square exactly equal in area to a given circle?

Squaring the Circle

People tried for centeries to square the circle what were they trying to do?

they were trying to construct a square that perfectly circumscribes (surrounds) a given circle.

What is a square called if you make it in a circle?

a square in a circle

People tried for centuries to square the circle What were they trying to do?

-- I give you a circle, a compass, a straight edge, and a pencil. -- Your job: Construct a square that has the same area as the circle I gave you. In 1882, it was mathematically proven to be impossible.

What polygon has exactly 4 lines of symetry?

Square, rectangle or and circle but an circle is not a polygon,

What does square the circle mean?

to construct (using a compass and straight-edge) a square with the same area as a given circle using only a finite number of steps. "Squaring the circle" was an ancient problem that has been proved impossible to do.

What does it mean to 'square a circle'?

to construct (using a compass and straight-edge) a square with the same area as a given circle using only a finite number of steps. "Squaring the circle" was an ancient problem that has been proved impossible to do.

Which is larger a 5 feet tall circle or a 5 feet tall square?

A square will always be larger than a circle with the same diameter. Draw a square, then draw a circle that fits inside the square exactly (that is, each of the four points shared by the two shapes exactly bisect each line of the square). The square contains the entire circle, plus all the extra area in the corners.

Can you construct a rectangle with all sides equal?

Sure. It's called a "square"; you can consider the square a special case of a rectangle.

Given a length of string L equals 50 inches construct a circle and a square such that the sum of the areas is a maximum?

Use as much of the string as is possible to make the circle. In the limit, the circumference of the circle is 50 inches and the perimeter of the square is 0. This gives a circle with an area of 198.94 sq inches and a square with an area of 0 sq inches. Any string moved from the circle to the square will reduce the total area.

How do you construct a square?

you construct a square by doing tattee on it look for the tattee.

What does one line of symmetry means?

If you had a circle and you halved it, exactly in the middle, then that line would be a line of symmetry! And it is the same with a square. If you halve it exactly in the middle then that would be called a line of symmetry! And then all the lines of symmetry in a square are down, across, diagonal from the left and then diagonal from the right! But in a circle there are LOTS of lines of symmetry!