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Q: What is meant to describe something occurring 6 times per year?
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It is meant to describe something occurring 4 times per year, or once per quarter. If you wanted to describe something occurring once every four years, you would say it is a quadrennial event.

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It is information that is meant to be instructive. Often times it involes teaching someone how to do something.

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It meant the same as it means now. A surplus is when you have more of something than you need.

What is the dictionary definition for quarterly?

Quarterly means to be done, produced, completed, distributed, or occurring once every quarter of a year. It means that something occurs four times a year.

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Grocero is an adjective that is used to describe someone or something that is very vulgar. This is often times used to describe a person who swears a lot or who talks about inappropriate topics.

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Well, in ancient times the word 'muse' meant a goddess or something like that. But nowadays it is the name of a band ('MUSE').

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Modern has multiple meanings (as noun and as adjective). It can mean a contemporary person, can be used to describe something that is ahead of the times, or something relating to a recently developed fashion.

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The term "recurve" means to bend backwards. This term could be used to describe the actions of a highly trained gymnast, who would "recurve" many times during a routine.

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In medieval times throwing a gauntlet meant invitation to a duel (throwing a regular glove in later times), today it means more generally that you've been challenged to something.

How do you spell triannual?

The correct spelling is "triannual" (occurring three times each year).

Is there more than 5 ways to describe resources?

something that can some times be very useful to human beings also it could mean lots of other things