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Q: What is the term for six times a year?
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The term is six times the term number?

! I am having the same problem but mine is 5 times I do not know the answer, but if i find it out ~i shall post it. :) x

In what way does long six year term affect how senator vote?

In what way does the long six year term affect how senators vote

Senators are elected to a term that last how many years?

six years{6}.

Who serve six year term?


What is the term for office for senator?

In the US he or she is elected to a six year term.

Is it true that every senator serves a two year term?

Senators serve a six year term.

What does the average man do about six times per year?

The average man goes to the barbershop for a haircut about six times per year.

How log is a senators term?

A US Senator is elected to a six year term.

Who has a six year term?

United States Senators do.

Who has a six-year term?

United States Senators do.

How long was Santa Anna's fifth term as Mexico's President?

One year and six days, it was the longest of his first five times as Mexico's President.

What is the term served by the senate?

In the United States, a senator serves a term of six years. Elections take place every two years to elect 1/3 of the senate at a time. In other countries, there are different rules: for example, Australian senators usually serves a term of six years; it is also a six year term in the Philippines, while in Poland, senators have a term of just four years.