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1/8, slightly.

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Q: What is more difficult to show as a decimal one tenth or one eighth?
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What is the decimal with one more tenth than 15.237?


Why is it more difficult to convert decimal to hexadecimal?

As compared to converting decimal into what other base! It is no more difficult to convert decimal into base 8 than decimal into binary or Hex.

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How do you round a fraction to a decimal to the nearest tenth?

To get the decimal, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. If the decimal runs to more than one place, then you have to round it to one decimal place.

Will there be an eighth ninth and tenth Harry Potter?

There are eight movies as the last book was released in two parts. There will not be any more books or movies.

Why is creating a converter from decimal to binary more difficult?

The answer depends on what the comparison is with! It is not more difficult than proving the Goldbach conjecture, for example.

What is a decimal with one more tenth than 15.237?

It is now then 15.337 when 1/10 or 0.1 is added to it

What would 23.5525 be rounded to one decimal place?

To the first decimal would be 23.6 (anything more than 23.50 would go to the next tenth).

Why is more difficult to convert decimal to binary?

Whether or not it is difficult depends on your aptitude and your attitude. What you may find difficult I might find easy and conversely.

What is 2 tenths more than 7.1?

7.3, a tenth is the place right after the decimal. ex: 3."1"41592653