

What is more than one radius?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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11y ago

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more than one radius

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Q: What is more than one radius?
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More than one radius?

There could be more than one radius because of how many half of a diameter you find.

What is an element called with more than one radius?

a pair of spectacles

Why is the radius of an atom of iodine greater than the radius of bromine atom?

An iodine atom has one more principal energy level than a bromine atom. Therefore the radius of an iodine atom is greater than the latter.

Which element has a larger ionic radius than sulfur?

Phosphorus has larger ionic radius than sulfur. There is more nuclear attraction in sulfur.

A car's turning radius should be more?

It should be more than 900

Why is the radius of anion more than the corresponding atom?

An anion has more electrons than a neutral atom.

Is the radius of a circle is always smaller than the diameter?

Yes. The radius is one-half of the diameter.

What forarm bone articulates with most of the carpals?

The radius articulates with more of the carpal bones than the ulna.

Why is blood vessel radius more likely to change than blood vessel length?

Radius. Length only changes with weight loss, gain or while one is growing. (from infancy to adult)

When an atom loses one or more electrons does the radius of the atom become smaller or larger than the radius of the atom?

please be more specific and I might be able to answer this correctly

Does Al have a larger atomic radius than B?

Aluminum has a larger radius than Boron because there are more electron filled 'orbitals' around its nucleus. Atomic radius increases down a group for that reason.

Why is sodium more reactive than gold?

the atomic radius of sodium is greater than of gold.