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more than one radius

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Q: What is more than one radius?
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More than one radius?

There could be more than one radius because of how many half of a diameter you find.

What is an element called with more than one radius?

a pair of spectacles

Why is the radius of an atom of iodine greater than the radius of bromine atom?

An iodine atom has one more principal energy level than a bromine atom. Therefore the radius of an iodine atom is greater than the latter.

Is the atomic radius of potassium larger than of calcium?

Yes, the atomic radius of potassium is larger than that of calcium. This is due to potassium having one more electron shell than calcium, leading to a larger atomic radius.

How does Magnesium's atomic radius compare to aluminum?

Magnesium has a larger atomic radius than aluminum. This is because magnesium has one more electron shell than aluminum, leading to a greater distance between the nucleus and the outer electrons.

Does Al have a larger atomic radius than B?

Yes, because Al is located below B in the periodic table, it has one more electron shell and thus a larger atomic radius. The atomic radius generally increases as you move down a group in the periodic table.

A car's turning radius should be more?

It should be more than 900

Why is the radius of anion more than the corresponding atom?

An anion has more electrons than a neutral atom.

Is the radius of a circle is always smaller than the diameter?

Yes. The radius is one-half of the diameter.

Does oxygen have a greatest atomic radius then sulfur?

No, sulfur has a greater atomic radius than oxygen. This is because sulfur has more electron shells than oxygen, leading to a larger atomic radius.

Which has the greatest atomic radius K or Ca?

Ca (Calcium) has a greater atomic radius than K (Potassium). This is because as we move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases due to the addition of more electron shells. Calcium is one period below Potassium in the periodic table, leading to a larger atomic radius.

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