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Q: What is on either side of 6 as a integers?
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What are the characreristic of integers?

Either side works, generally the right though.

What are two consecutive even integers?

2 and 4 4 and 6 6 and 8 just count the even integers (or multiples of 2) and pick to numbers that are side by side on the list.

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Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 35?

17 and 18 I found this by dividing 35 by 2, which gives you 17.5. The nearest integers on either side are 17 and 18.

Find three consecutive even integers whose sum is negative 84?

-84/3 = -28 Therefore, the average of the three integers is -28. Taking one from either side of -28 means that the three integers will be -26, -28, and -30.

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What is 4 100 9 999 0945637 1?

They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.

What are the three consecutive even integers whose sum is -306?

The average of the three integers is going to be -306/3 = -102. Therefore, taking one even integer from either side, -306 = (-100) + (-102) + (-104)

In between what two integers does the root of 27 lie?

They lie between the integers -6 and +6.

What are two integers whose quotient is -6 and whose sum is -12?


Why does negative integers less than positive integers?

the negative integers are below 0, for example -6.

What is two consecutive numbers that add to 125?

To work out a question like this, you can divide the number by 2 ( 62.5) and then look at the integers on either side ( 62 and 63 ) This is your answer