Either side works, generally the right though.
2 and 4 4 and 6 6 and 8 just count the even integers (or multiples of 2) and pick to numbers that are side by side on the list.
17 and 18 I found this by dividing 35 by 2, which gives you 17.5. The nearest integers on either side are 17 and 18.
-84/3 = -28 Therefore, the average of the three integers is -28. Taking one from either side of -28 means that the three integers will be -26, -28, and -30.
They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.They are 6 integers.
The average of the three integers is going to be -306/3 = -102. Therefore, taking one even integer from either side, -306 = (-100) + (-102) + (-104)
They lie between the integers -6 and +6.
the negative integers are below 0, for example -6.
To work out a question like this, you can divide the number by 2 ( 62.5) and then look at the integers on either side ( 62 and 63 ) This is your answer