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Identical and fraternal twins typically share many similar characteristics

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Q: What is one way in which identical and fraternal similar?
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Are all circles similar and y?

First let me point out the difference between similarity and congruence. Let me consider 2 identical circles that have been drawn on 2 separate tracing papers, now imagine that i overlap the 2 tracing papers. Will you now only see one? Yes! Hence we can say they are congruent. But if i consider 2 different circles, on the tracing paper, it won't turn out so well. But we would notice that they would be IDENTICAL if we resize one of them (assuming they are in the same orientation). That is the most simplest way i can explain the difference and in that way, hopefully what it means to be similar. ----------------------------------------------- NOW moving back to the question... imagine 2 different circles, even though they are different, we will still observe that the are identical if, again we resize one of them. Hence all circle are similar no matter how big or small. Because, when it comes to comparing shapes based on similarity, size doesn't matter. (from someone who has just done a math chapter on similarities and congruence of triangles)

How do you use 4 identical isosceles triangles to make an isosceles triangle?

Here is one way: /\ --- /\/\ ----- These are {45°, 45°, 90°} triangles. There are 3 on the bottom row, and 1 on top. Actually, any four identical isosceles triangles would work.

How unique am I?

Every one is unique in there own special way. you are the only one like you. Even if you have an identical twin. there are still many, many ways that the two of you are different, even if you can't think of any.

How London and Los Angles are similar and how they are different?

They are different because one is in america and another one is in england both longitude and latitude are different they are similar in a way that both are major cities and both attract tourist

What is the role of identical twin studies?

One aim is to provide more information on the "Nature/Nurture" debate: how much of a person's character is genetically pre-determined (nature) and how much is influenced by the way in which they are brought up (nurture).

Related questions

Are fraternal twins technically clones?

No. Not even close. Fraternal twins result from two eggs fertilized by two sperm at about the same time and being implanted in the uterus together. They are siblings.Not even identical twins, by the way, can be considered as clones, because cloning involves the removal of genetic information from one cell with its transfer to another cell. Identical twins involve splitting, not cloning.

Are identical twins developed from one egg or two?

There are at least three ways to produce twins. One is when the female produces two eggs, both of which are fertilized by the male. This is how fraternal twins are produced. Fraternal twins can be both the same sex or different sexes. Fraternal twins may only bear a slight resemblance to one another, no more than any two siblings might. (Fraternal twins can actually have different biological fathers, because the eggs may be produced a day or two apart.) Another is for the woman to produce one egg which is fertilized by the male, and then the egg divides into two. This is the traditional way that so-called identical twins are produced. Identical twins are always the same sex. (I use the term 'so-called,' because they are actually 'mirror image' twins.) A third way is for the woman to produce one egg, which then divides into two, which are both subsequently fertilized. There is a greater chance that such twins will resemble one another than fraternal twins, and they may be the same or opposite sexes.

Why does identical twins not have the same weight and Skin colour?

Eye colour is caused by genetics whereas the weight of a person depends on how they life their life (how healthily they eat or how much exercise they do) so it is an environmental variation. Identical twins have the same genes so have the same eye colour.

How do twins look exactly alike?

They do look different! Even identical twins, with identical DNA, are different. Most have a slight difference in height and weight. Many people have a difficult time telling them apart because they are focusing on the wrong things. If someone looks only at the hair, they may not see that their faces are slightly different.

How does heredity influence personality?

Determining the amount of genetic influence that contributes to the makeup of personality has proved to be a difficult task. However, in studying both fraternal and identical twins, we're able to gain some insight into this mystery. After a series of tests, studies have shown that identical adult twins were more likely to answer questions in the same way than fraternal twins were. In subsequent studies, identical twins who were separated for long periods of time compared to those who weren't separated continued to exhibit the same level of personality traits.

How many different types of babies can you have?

boy, girl and simese twins Siamese twins are now properly called conjoined twins. You can have identical twins[ same sex] , fraternal twins [ one male , one female ]. triplets, same way, quadruplets, quintuplists , sextuplets and so on , with fertility drugs.

Why all spheres are similar?

By definition all spheres are identical in shape because a sphere is perfectly round. That's what "sphere" means. In the same way, all perfect squares are identical and all equilateral triangles are identical. Spheres might be larger or smaller, but the shape of all is the same because there is only one kind of sphere.

How is sperm made a twins baby?

Two ways- Sometimes the mother releases two eggs instead of one. Each egg would be fertilized by a different sperm cell, and would grow into two different babies- known as fraternal or non-identical twins. The second way is one egg, fertilized by one sperm- but as the egg begins to grow, it divides in two, each of which will become a baby- and they are identical to each other (they started life as the same being).

What are the chances of someone else having prints like yours?

Its almost impossible. The human gene creates diversity, thus creating individual prints (this is the same for the tongue, by the way). The only recorded identical prints can be found on twins, triplets, etc. Identical siblings will have the same prints (fraternal twins obviously have different prints).

What does fraternal twins and identical twins have in common?

Identical twins are twins that develop from same egg. These twins have same genome, also they have same physical appearance with minimal differences.

How are identical twins created or formed?

There are two way twins are formed. Twins can form by two eggs being released by the female and the sperm will fertilize both eggs. The other way twins can be formed is if one fertilized egg divides and forms two eggs.

Is sss a way to find if triangles are similar?

Triangles are congruent if all three sides in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding sides in the other.When two triangles have corresponding sides with identical ratios, the triangles are similar.Of course if triangles are congruent, they are also similar.