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Q: What is terminal velocity on earth in feet per second?
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What is the greatest velocity an object reaches during free fall?

Assuming this is a free fall on the earth, the highest velocity an object in free fall can reach is 9.8 meters per second or 32 feet per second.answer 2. above is described the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.The Q asks for the Highest velocity. This is known as the Terminal Velocity.This depends upon buoyancy, air-resistance and so on. The terminal velocity of a Parachutist is much less than that of a rock. But Terminal Velocity is their greatest velocity.

What is the approx terminal velocity of a human in feet per second?

It depends. Surface Friction could vary. If a person was in the traditional parachute jumper freefall, it is slower and would never meet the terminal velocity of an individual falling through the air whereby his body is vertical.Statistics showthat a human falling through the air can reach up to speeds of 210mph (93metres per second) at the most.

How long will it take a skydiver to fall 1000 at terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity, if you are flat toward the ground is about 180 feet per second; so time is distance/speed = 1000 feet/180 = 5.5 seconds. If you roll up like a ball terminal velocity may be as high as 280 feet per second. and time would be about 3.5 seconds.

What does high velocity blood spatter means in a crime scene?

High Velocity is short for "high terminal velocity" which is another way of saying that the blood spatter is small and is so small, in fact, it is the smallest of other velocities: • Low terminal velocity • Medium terminal velocity The high velocity pattern is usually less than one millimeter in diameter and is known to fall up to around 100 feet per second.

What equation is used to calculate the velocity of a falling objects?

32 feet / second / second. Calculating the velocity of an object falling due to gravity is a complicated process because gravity decreases the further above the Earth you go. There is also a terminal velocity because of the viscosity of the air. Simply though, acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface is roughly 9.8m/s2. This means, after 1 second, an object will have achieved a velocity of 9.8m/s. The equation then if the viscosity of air and height above the Earth's surface are ignored is V = 9.8 x S Where V is the velocity and S is the number of seconds it has been falling.

How many feet per second do you fall when skydiving?

Well the average terminal velocity ofr an average sized jumper is 120mph. I fall at 120mph and fall 10,000 feet in 45/50 seconds so I guess about 213 feet per second.

How many feet does it take to reach terminal velosity?

1) Terminal velocity is never quite reached; a falling object will get closer and closer to terminal velocity. You can put some arbitrary limit, for which you can say that "for all intents and purposes, terminal velocity has been reached", for example, 95%, or 99%, of terminal velocity. 2) The actual terminal velocity varies for different objects. A feather will approach its terminal velocity almost instantly; a heavy object, without much surface area (for example, a steel ball) will have to fall more seconds (and more meters or feet), before it is anywhere close its terminal velocity.

Is feet per second the same thing as velocity?

Feet per second is a unit of velocity, but not necessarily the same thing. Velocity could be in meters per hour or feet per second could be a measure of speed, which does not take direction into account, as velocity does.

What is the velocity of a helicopter traveling 6 feet per second?

Its speed is 6 feet per second. Its velocity is 6 feet per second in whatever direction it's going.

What is the velocity of a 4.5 Pound object falling thirty feet?

Ignoring air resistance ... Any object dropped near the Earth's surface reaches a speed of 43.9 feet per second after falling 30 feet. The velocity is 43.9 feet per second down. The object's weight makes no difference.

What is change in the velocity of a falling object?

Any change in the velocity of anything is known as 'acceleration'. In the case of a falling object near the Earth's surface, the direction of the velocity is constant, and its magnitude increases by 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second, every second.

What is the equatorial rotation velocity of dwarf planet Pluto in feet per second?

The equatorial rotation velocity of dwarf planet Pluto is approximately 56 feet per second.