6, but when we're talking about fractions, we call it the LCD, or least common denominator.
Their GCF will be 2. Their LCM will be half their product.
16.6666663 or 16 and 2 thrids
6/9 or 2/3
2/3 = 0.6666 repeating
2/3 is the simplest form.
2/3 * 2 = 4/3 or 1.33333
2/3 squared is 4/9
24 inches or 2 feet
If the missing number is even, it's the LCM. If it's odd, it's half of the LCM.
2/3 as a decimal is 0.'6' recurring '6'
The LCM of 2 numbers can be one of those numbers when the large of the 2 numbers is 2 times the smaller one of those numbers. For example the LCM of 2 and 4 is 4. For example the LCM of 5 and 10 is 10.