If one number is a multiple of another, then their LCM is the larger number.
If the other number is a multiple of 5, it will be the LCM. If not, the LCM will be their product.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM involves two or more numbers.
The LCM is the multiple.
there has to be another number for there to be an LCM
The LCM is 12.
The LCM of 8 and 15 is 120. If the lesser number were a factor of the greater number, the LCM would be the greater number.
No.A single number does not have an LCM, only a set of number can have an LCM. So 6 does not have an LCM and 8 does not have an LCM. If neither number have an LCM, they cannot have the same LCM.However, the C in LCM stands for COMMON and so the LCM is a multiple that they share.6 and 9 have a different LCM to 6 and 8.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
By knowing that any time one number is a multiple of the other, that number is the LCM. The LCM is 12.
The LCM of one number is itself.