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-10/15 - 12/15 = -22/15

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Q: What is the answer to negative two-thirds plus negative four-fifths?
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4/5 is bigger then 3/4

Negative plus negative equals what?

A negative plus a negative equals a negative.

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No, a negative plus a negative is a negative

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A negative plus a negative equals a negative.

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one third

What is a negitive plus a negitive?

A negative plus a negative is a negative because a negative plus a negative is the same thing as a negative minus a positive number.

What does a negative number plus a negative number equal?

A negative plus a negative still gives a negative answer.

What is negative 1 plus negative 2 plus negative 4 plus negative 5?

The total sum is -12 or negative twelve.

The quotient of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

The quotient of a positive integer by a negative is always negative. Say this to yourself a couple times: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

What is negative seven plus negative seven?

Negative seven plus negative seven is negative fourteen.