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Area of outer circle minus area of inner circle:

132.7322896 - 78.53981634 = 54.19247327 square feet

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Q: What is the area of a walk that is 3' wide that is around a circular fountain that is 10 feet in diameter?
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A circular fountain 10 ft in diameter has a circular walk 3 feet wide paved around it what is the area of the walk?

30 feet

A circular fountain 10ft in diameter has a circular walk 3 feet wide paved around it what is the area of the walk?

Inner radius of walk = R1 = 10/2 ft = 5 ft. Outer radius of walk = R2 = 5ft + 3 ft = 8 ft Area of fountain = pi*R12 = 78.54 sq ft Area of fountain + walk = pi*R22 = 201.06 sq ft So area of path = 201.06 sq ft - 78.54 sq ft = 122.52 sq ft.

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The area is 110637.523 sqm.

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Assuming you are referring to a circular area, the diameter is 37.01 feet.

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A circular shape with an area of 65 square feet has a diameter of 9.1 ft approx.

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By the diameter of the wire.

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What is the area of the base of a fountain if the distance from the center of the fountain to the edge is 10 feet?

If the fountain is square, then the base covers 400 square feet of ground. If the fountain is circular, then the base covers 314.2 square feet of ground. (rounded)

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154 cm2

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Im not sure.

Find the area of a circular table that has a diameter of 5.ft?

19.6 sq.ft