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The area (A) of a circle is pi (about 3.14) times the square of the radius (r). The circumference (c) of a circle is pi times its diameter (d), or pi times twice its radius. Knowing that, we can investigate the three circles. If rcircle = 4, Areacircle = pi r2 = 3.14 x 42 = 3.14 x 16 = 50.27 sq. in. If dcircle = 4, Areacircle = pi (d/2)2 = 3.14 x (4/2)2 = 3.14 x (2)2 = 3.14 x 22 = 3.14 x 4 = 12.57 sq. in. If c - 4, Areacircle = pi (c/2 pi)2 = pi (42/4 pi2) = pi x 16/ 4 x pi2 = 16/ 4 x pi = 4/3.14 = 1.27 sq. in.

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Q: What is the area of circles with a radius of 4 inches and with a diameter of 4 inches and with a circumference of 4 inches?
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What is the answer to circles and circumference?

circumference = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

How do you calculate circumference?

to calculate circumference you find a circles radius or diameter. you do diameter times pi or radius times 2 times pi. the you have circumference!

How do you calculate circumference in inches?

Circumference of a circle in inches = 2*radius*pi or diameter*pi Both radius and diameter must be in inches

How do you find the diameter and radius of a circle with a circumference of 37 inches?

diameter = circumference/pi = 37/3.1416 = 11.8 inches; radius = 1/2 diameter = 5.9 inches; radius = circumference/(2pi) = 5.9 inches = 37/6.2832 = 5.9 inches

What is the diameter if the circumference is 15 inches with a radius of 2 inches?

If the radius is 2 then the diameter is 2*2 = 4 inches and the circumference is about 12.6 inches and not 15 inches

If the diameter of a circle is 8 inches what is the circles radius?

The radius will be half the diameter of 8 inches which is 4 inches

If a circles radius is 20 inches what is the circumference?

1256 inches ++ Another Answer ++ The formula for finding the Circumference of a circle is C = Pi x D where D is Diameter and Pi is 3.1416. The Radius of a circle is one-half of the Diameter, hence the Diameter of a circle with a 20-inch Radius is 40 inches. Using the formula above, multiply 40 x 3.1416 to find the Circumference: 40 x 3.1416 = 125.664 inches.

What is the radius of a circle with a circumference 26 inches?

Circumference = pi x diameter Hence Diameter = Circumference/pi Here Diameter = 26/3.1415 = 8.276 And Radius = Diameter/2, so Radius is 8.276/2 = 4.138 inches

What is the circumference of the circle if the radius marked r is 10 inches?

The circumference of the circle if the radius marked r is 10 inches is: about 62.83 inches. You can easily do this calculation for other circles by multiplying the diameter (twice the radius) by Pi (about 3.1416).

How do you find the circumference of a circle if you know the radius?

Multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter. Then multiply the diameter by pi to get the circumference. Example: If radius = 2 inches, diameter = 4 inches circumference = 4 x pi = 4 (3.1416) or about 12.57 inches

What is the circumference of circle with radius of 3 inches and diameter of 10 in ches?

A circle with radius of 3 inches doesn't have a diameter of 10 inches. If the radius is 3, then the diameter is 6, and the circumference is (6 pi) = 18.85 . (rounded) If the diameter is 10, then the radius is 5, and the circumference is (10 pi) = 31.42 . (rounded) The diameter is always double the radius, and the radius is always half of the diameter.

How do you find the diameter and radius of a circle with a circumference of 2 inches?

Circumference = pi*diameter 2 = pi*diameter Divide both sides of the equation by pi: 2/pi = diameter diameter = 0.6366197724 inches radius is half of the diameter: radius = 0.3183098862 inches