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Suppose the line meets the x and y axes at A and B (respectively). Then

at A, x = 0 =-> -7y + 4 = 0 so y = 4/7. Therefore A = (0, 4/7) => |OA| = 4/7, and

at B, y = 0 => 3x + 4 = 0 so x = -4/3. Therefore B = (-4/3, 0) => |OB| = 4/3.

AOB is a right angled triangle with the right angle at O.

Therefore area AOB = 1/2*|OA|*|OB| = 1/2*4/7*4/3 = 8/21 square units.

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Q: What is the area of the triangle formed by the line 3x -7y plus 4 equals 0 and the axes on the Cartesian plane showing work?
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