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Replace the discriminant (the root) in the quadratic formula with zero - that will give you the average. In other words: (average of solutions) = -b/2a.

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Q: What is the average of the two soultions for the quadratic equation?
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What is the average of the two roots of quadratic equation?

In a quadratic y = ax² + bx + c, the roots are where y = 0, and the parabola crosses the x-axis. The average of these two roots is the x coordinate of the vertex of the parabola.

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It is a quadratic equation that normally has two solutions

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Yes. You can calculate the two roots of a quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula, and because there are square roots on the quadratic formula, and if the radicand is not a perfect square, so the answer to that equation has decimal.

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You should always use the vertex and at least two points to graph each quadratic equation. A good choice for two points are the intercepts of the quadratic equation.

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A quadratic equation is univariate: it has only one variable. A quadratic equation cannot have two variables. So, if b and c are known then it is a quadratic equation in a; if a and b are known it is a quadratic in c.Another Answer:-The question given is Pythagoras' theorem formula for a right angle triangle

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Draw the graph of the equation. the solution is/are the points where the line cuts the x(horisontal) axis .

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If the discriminant of an equation is 0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is zero then it has two identical roots.

What is the formula of a quadratic equation?

The quadratic equation in standard form is: ax2 + bx + c = 0. The solution is x = [-b ± √b2- 4ac)] ÷ 2a You can use either plus or minus - a quadratic equation may have two solutions.

What is true about the solutions of a quadratic equation when the radicand of the quadratic formula is a perfect square?

The two solutions are coincident.