It is called a POINT!
According to the question, you HAVE the point!
It is called a coordinate.
A coordinate !
First, a coordinate. A coordinate is a number. It labels a point on a line.Second, a coordinate axis is a line with label a point in a plane (a flat surface), we need more than one coordinate axis, and we place a second at right angles to the first.Those axes are called rectangular coordinate axes, because they are at right angles to one another. The coordinates on them are called rectangular coordinates. They are also called Cartesian coordinates.
Oh honey, the X coordinate of the point 5 6 is simply 5. It's like asking what color the sky is during the day - it's blue, no rocket science there. So, in this case, the X coordinate is just the first number in the pair, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
It is simply called a point in the coordinate or Cartesian plane.
It is a coordinate of x and y on the coordinate plane
It is called that point...(say, 5, -4) but in the x coordinate. a question may be...Find the x cooriinate of 5, -4, and the x coordinate of it would just be caalled the x coordinate of 5, -4
A pair of numbers developed by Descartes is called a coordinate pair. It is alphabetical and the horizontal axix is listed first.
The location of a point is identified by its two coordinate values, called an ordered pair, in the perpendicular x and y planes.
The centre of a coordinate plane is the point (0,0), also called the origin.