0.8 recurring (that is, 0.88888...) is already expressed as a decimal. Expressed as a proper fraction, this is equal to 8/9 or eight ninths.
No, 125 is not a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that has a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point. In the case of 125, it is a whole number and does not have any decimal places or repeating patterns. It can be written as 125.0000, but it is still a non-repeating decimal.
8.61111 repeating
0.4444 repeating
0.6666 repeating
Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").
Eight and five elevenths as a decimal is 8.4545 (repeating).
0.6666 repeating
.66 repeating
Yes, it can.
0.8484 repeating
1.142657 repeating
2.6666 repeating