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Q: What is the decimal value for the letter n?
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What is the decimal value of the letter u?

None. A letter has no numerical value unless it represents a variable and a value is assigned to it.

In the hexadecimal system what decimal value does the letter A represent?

value of 10

What decimal value does the letter A represent in the hexadecimal system?

Value of 10

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Binary- 01100111 Decimal Value- 103

How do you convert decimal to hexadecimal?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("Enter Decimal Number: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Hexadecimal value is: %x",n); getch(); }

What is the decimal value of the ASCII letter K?

The ASCII value of capital K is 75. For a small k it is 107.

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Humans value nature. Humans value nourishment.

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How does the value of a decimal change as you move to the left or the right in a place-value chart?

1st position after decimal is 1/10 2nd position after decimal is 1/100 3rd position after decimal is 1/1000 ..... nth position after decimal is 1/(10^n)

How do you calculate bit strings?

To calculate the decimal value of a bit string: Number the bits from right to left 0 - n. Starting with a decimal value of 0, add 2^(Number of that digit) for each 1 you see in your bit string. The sum is the decimal equivalent to the binary number.

What is absolute value and floor function?

The absolute value of a number is the value of the number before any decimal places are considered and ignoring any negative signs. for example, the absolute value of -5.98 is 5. You simply take the positive whole number value and ignore the numbers after the decimal point. The floor function drops anumber to the lowest whole number before the decimal point. For instance, 5.98 would become 5. However -5.98 would be -5. The negative sign matters in this instance. I have found an interesting relationship between the two functions to estimate a square root. sqrt(n) aproximately= [n +abs(floor(sqrt(n)))*abs(floor(sqrt(n)))]/(2*abs(floor(sqrt(n)))+1).

What are the meaning of n in science?

In mathematics, the letter n is used to denote an integer (whole number) whose value can be varied.