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The ASCII value of capital K is 75. For a small k it is 107.

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Q: What is the decimal value of the ASCII letter K?
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What are the binary and decimal values for ASCII ltter K?

ASCII for K is 0x4b = 75 = 0100 1011

What is the binary value of K ASCII?

The binary value for K is 1001011.

What is the binary equivalent of the word Network using ASCII encoding?

ASCII character array (including null-terminator): {'N','e','t','w','o','r','k','\0'} ASCII character codes (decimal): {78,101,116,119,111,114,107,0} ASCII character codes (octal): {4,7,1,4,5,3,5,0,7,3,5,5,7,3,4,4,6,5,4,0,0} ASCII character codes (hexadecimal): {4E,65,74,77,6F,72,6B,00} ASCII character codes (binary): {01001110,01100101,01110100,01110111,01101111,01110010,01101011,00000000} When treated as a 64-bit value, the ASCII-encoded word "Network" has the decimal value 5,649,049,363,925,854,976.

If we are moving the decimal point to the right we are moving from a what value to a what value?

To another value which is a multiple of 10k in which k is a positive integer.

(e)How many K is 1 meg?

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What scrabble tiles have a value of five points?

The tile with the letter K is the only tile with a value of 5 points.

What are the Scrabble values of the letters C K W and X?

The tiles containing the letter C have a value of 3 points. The tile containing the letter K has a value of 5 points. The tiles containing the letter W have a value of 4 points. The tile containing the letter X has a value of 8 points.

How do you you write know in binary code?

k n o w ? First convert it to ASCII code ... 107 110 111 119 (all decimal numbers) Then convert to binary : 1101011 1101110 1101111 1110111

Why can't irrational numbers ever be precisely represented in a decimal form?

Suppose an irrational number can be written precisely in decimal form, with n digits after the decimal point. Then if you multiply the decimal value by 10n you will get an integer, say k. Then the decimal representation is equivalent to k/10n, which is a ratio of two integers and so the number, by definition, is rational - not irrational.

How do you use a pattern to find the product of a power of 10 and a decimal?

If the power of ten is k, where k is an integer thenif k < 0 then the decimal point moves k places to the left;if k = 0 then the decimal point does not move; andif k > 0 then the decimal point moves k places to the right.

How many letter K tiles are there in a scrabble game?

There is one (1) tile bearing the letter 'K' with assigned value of five (5) points in standard scrabble.

What is a computer middle finger?

Keyboard speaking its K and I or D and R. You can make it using ASCII art.