

What is the difference between an equation and function?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the difference between an equation and function?
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A linear equation IS a function. A function can look like X2+X+C, or X3+0, or X+Y+C, or many other ways. The function X+Y+C is a function in two variables, and can be a linear equation.

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A power function has the equation f(x)=x^a while an exponential function has the equation f(x)=a^x. In a power function, x is brought to the power of the variable. In an exponential function, the variable is brought to the power x.

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Expression has no answer. a equation has an answer

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y = ax, where a is some constant, is an exponential function in x y = xa, where a is some constant, is a power function in x If a > 1 then the exponential will be greater than the power for x > a

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Differentiation: when you differentiate a function, you find a new function (the derivative) which expresses the old function's rate of change. For example, if f(x) = 2x, then the derivative f ' (x) = 2 for all x, because the function is always increasing by 2 units for every increase of x by 1 unit.A differential equation is an equation expressing a relationship between a named function and its derivatives. This can be as simple as y = y', where y is the original function and y' the derivative.

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A polynomial equation of order >1 that is, where the power of the variable is greater than 1 is a non linear function. A transcendental function is one that cannot be expressed as a finite number of algebaraic operations (addition, multiplication, roots). The exponential and trigonometric functions (and their inverses) are examples.

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An equation can lead to a solution.

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Root means solution in this context.

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