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the constant is the number without a variable(+2)

the variable(s) will be x and y.independent varibles will be variables standing alone,with no numbers next to it.EG 2+x.the independent variable is x

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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 11y ago

Independent variables are variables you change on purpose. The constant, is the variable that should remain the same.

For example: You are trying to see if the amount of water affects the growth of roses. What should the constant be, in other words, what should remain the same? The roses. What's your independent varibale, or what you are controlling on purpose? The amount of sunlight.

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A constant is something that will ALWAYS remain the same in your experiment. For instance, the materials you use and the unit of measurements you use are examples of constants. An independent variable changes with the experiments.

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independent variable is the one you control. the dependent variable depends on the indepdendent variable (the results). on the graph independent in on the bottom and dependent is on the side

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Whether or not you can change its value.

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