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100 - 97 = 3

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Q: What is the difference between the small 3 digit composite and the two digit highest prime?
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What is the difference of the smallest three digit composite number and the highest two digit number?

The smallest three digit composite number is 100, and the largest two digit number is 99. 100-99=1.

What is the highest composite two digit number?


What is the highest 5-digit composite number?

It is: 99,999

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The diference between the highest 4 digit number and the lowest 3 digit number is 9999 Highest 4 digit: 9999 Lowest 3 digit: 000

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what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number

What is difference of the biggest two digit composite numbers and the smallest prime numbers?

99 - 2 = 97

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For any integer greater than 5, where the units digit is 5 then that number can be expressed as the product of n and 5. As such, the number is composite. Therefore all numbers in the range 150 to 200 that have a units digit of 5 are composite,.

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The difference is 90000000

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4 is the least one digit composite number

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What is the largist two digit composite number?

The largest 2 digit composite number is 99.