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Just divide the distance by the time. (In this case, the speed in the answer will be in meters per second.)

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Q: What is the distance traveled by an object that moves with an averace speed of 10 meters and 5 seconds?
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What is the rate at which you cover a certain distance?

The rate that you cover a distance is your speed. Speed is a measure of the distance traveled per unit time. If your units are meters and seconds, then your speed would be in meters/second. To find the speed of something you divide the distance it traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. For example if something traveled 40 meters in 10 seconds its speed would be (40 meters)/(10 seconds) = 4 meters/second

How do you Determine the speed of an object that traveled 50 meters in 2 seconds?

Speed = (distance traveled) divided by (time to cover the distance) Speed = (50 meters) / (2 seconds) Speed = 50 meters per 2 seconds Speed = 25 meters per second

If you traveled 50 meters in 25 seconds what is your distance traveled and average speed?

2 meters every second. bit pointless

What is the speed in meters per second?

meters is the distance traveled per unit time per second. Mileage = meters Time = seconds

Does the total distance traveled divided by constant speed is an average speed?

No. If you divide a distance by a speed, you get a time, not a speed. For example, (meters) / (meters/second) = (seconds).

An automobile traveling at a velocity of 16 meters per second is brought to a full stop in 8 seconds The distance traveled in the 8 seconds is?

Speed= Distance / time => Distance = Speed x Time =16x8 = 128m

How many meters traveled in 50m s for 2.5 seconds?

speed = distance/time distance = speed x time = (50m/s) x (2.5s) = 125m

What two things must you know to determine average speed?

To determine average speed, you need to know what distance the object traveled in meters over how long it took the object to travel that distance in seconds.

What is the distance traveled by an object that moves with an average speed of 6.0 meters per second for 8.0 seconds?

distance = rate x timedistance = (6.0m/sec)(8.0 sec)distance = 54 m

What is the average speed if you walk for 120 seconds at 1ms then run for 120 seconds at 6ms?

To find the average speed you must know the total distance traveled and the total elapsed. The distance traveled in each interval is simply the speed multiplied by the time (v x t). Thus, in the first interval you travel 120 x 1 = 120 meters, in the second interval 120 x 6 = 720 meters; therefore, the total distance traveled is 840 meters. The total time elapsed is 120 + 120 = 240 seconds. An average speed is simply the total distance traveled divided by the total time elapsed thus in this case it is 720 m / 240 s = 3 m/s.

The distance s meters traveled by a falling body starting from rest after time t seconds is?

If air resistance can be ignored, the distance in meters is 4.9t2. Note that 4.9 is half the numerical value of Earth's acceleration (9.8 meters per second square).

How do you calculate the average speed without knowing the speed only the time?

To calculate the average speed of /anything/ you need to know the distance it traveled (IE: 500 meters) and the time it took to travel that (IE:50 seconds) Here's how to calculate it: You take the total distance and divide it by the time. So in our example, a car traveled 500 meters in 50 seconds, so the speed would be: 500 meters / 50 seconds = 500/50 = 10 meters / second. So the car would be traveling 10 meters per second. Happy calculating -jp